Pien Hogenbirk


Pien is everywhere. And where would we be without Pien? She does not just know where the money goes, she knows where everything and everyone goes!

As a critical thinker and a big fan of being as pragmatic as can be, she definitely can be considered a mover and a shaker.

Her financial background gives her a solid basis and her contributions to iCRA’s board are highly valuable. Not only does she understand finances, she also understands the international context in which we work. Pien is truly global citizen as she lived in Bolivia, Zambia and Kenia and spent quite a large amount of her childhood years in Latin America. 

Pien is a financial expert who really cares about what is hiding behind the numbers. She actively seeks colleagues to help them understand budgets and financial requests. She loves coming up with new strategies that will smoothen processes and make the lives of the team and our partners a whole lot easier. Efficiency is her middle name.

But… Pien is also very good in stepping on the brakes and bringing us all back to earth when needed. Let’s get real. Yes, besides being driven and efficient, she also realistic. This actually helps us a whole lot in making sure that we offer our clients and partners clear and concise information regarding what we can deliver and for what cost.

With Pien, our clients, our team and our partners are in very capable hands.

Finance and more

  +31 (0)317 422 938
