Hommage à Pr Keita

A la mémoire de Pr Kalifa Keita Décédé le 16 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 60 ans d’une courte maladie Assistant à la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l’Université des Sciences, de techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB), en Chimie / Eaux et Environnement Chef...

iCRA Staff Retreat

iCRA Staff Retreat – 2021 Photography by Mike tekst & beeld iCRA was finally able to connect again as a whole team in a face-to-face environment at the end of September during an overnight stay at Woudschoten Hotel & Conference centre in Zeist, The...

Myriam Perez Dumoulin

Myriam Perez Dumoulin   To find out more about her, visit her LinkedIn profile here.   Multistakeholder engagement and Communication   +33 (07) 77 066 352 myriam.perez@icra.global...

Chau Dang Van

Chau Dang Van   Chau is responsible for managing Agricultural Education projects, including coordination of planning, implementation and reporting; and developing and implementing iCRA’s training programs to support higher education reforms in Third countries,...