Mariette Gross – Our New Executive Director

Mariette Gross – Our New Executive Director As of the beginning of April, the supervisory board was happy to welcome Mariette Gross, who has been an asset to iCRA for the last 7 and a half years, as the new Executive Director. Here are a few words from Frans...

Remembering François Dossouhoui

Remembering François Dossouhoui C’est avec une énorme tristesse qu’on a appris le décès d’un ami, collègue et membre de notre famille iCRA. François Dossouhoui fait partie de notre grande famille depuis 2006, quand il a excellé dans le cours iCRA à Montpellier...

iCRA kicks off partnership with PROAGRI3 in Benin!

iCRA kicks off partnership with PROAGRI3 in Benin! Supporting ProAgri in improving value chain performance Integrating local agribusiness cluster-coaching As of December 2018, iCRA partners with GIZ in the Promotion de l’Agriculture (ProAgri3) programme in central and...